Learn English with jokes

A different way of learning English. They create video jokes for students of English and for their teachers. They want to help students improve their reading and listening skills.


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Clásicos Escolares. Romeo y Julieta en Twitter.

Los alumnos y profesores del IES Mediterráneo de Málaga participamos en el programa «Clásicos Escolares» propuesto por la Junta de Andalucía.

Los objetivos del programa son:

  • Acercar la lectura de los clásicos al alumnado.
  • Presentar estrategias que permitan plantear actividades de acercamiento a los clásicos.
  • Promover el debate entre el profesorado acerca de la necesidad de leer los clásicos y qué clásicos.
  • Conocer y disfrutar del canon literario clásico: el canon escolar y el canon literario clásico.
  • Fomentar la lectura, el comentario y la interpretación de clásicos escolares en las aulas.
  • Ofrecer herramientas y modelos de trabajo para el acercamiento de los clásicos al alumnado.
  • Ofrecer materiales de apoyo para fomentar la lectura de la Colección Clásicos Escolares.
  • Ofrecer propuestas y estrategias para la incorporación de la lectura de los clásicos en otros módulos horarios.

Nosotros hemos decidido trabajar en clase de inglés con dos autores importantes: William Shakespeare y Charles Dickens.

De las obras de Shakespeare, hemos escogido «Romeo y Julieta» para su lectura y posterior trabajo. Uno de estos trabajos era ir plasmando la obra en Twitter.


Vídeo del Hangout del curso «Aplicación de las RRSS a la enseñanza». Cinco profesores comentan sus experiencias con las redes sociales en el aula. Podéis oir sobre nuestra actividad con Twitter.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywmI4MOVC4A


Tras la lectura completa, los alumnos tenían que hacer una presentación. Éste es el trabajo de la alumna Natalia Torres Vertedor


Worksheets and activities for teaching Romeo and Juliet to English language learners (kids, teenagers or adults). Here you can find printable worksheets for many levels: beginners, elementary, intermediate or advanced.

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Teaching Nelson Mandela

By now you’ve heard the news from South Africa that Nelson Mandela has died at age 95.

The passing of Mandela—the symbol of the anti-apartheid movement, who served 27 years in prison before being elected his nation’s first black president—is undoubtedly a topic of discussion in schools today. And it’s a quintessential teachable moment that should not go untapped.

But how do you capture the life of a liberation leader, political prisoner, and president who helped end a nation’s system of racial oppression? How do you convey his place in history for students?

Here are some resources for bringing Mandela to the classroom by Education Week Teacher:


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English Grammar in Pop Songs

It´s a fun way to test your knowledge of English grammar and listening skills.




t’s a fun way to test your knowledge of English grammar and English listening skills. Listed below are five video clips of some popular songs. – See more at: http://www.myenglishteacher.eu/blog/english-grammar-pop-songs-part-2/#sthash.X32IGHnx.dpu
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Prepositions in, on, at

We’re going to explore how the prepositions AT, ON, and IN are used with TIME and PLACE.

We’ll  use graphic organizers and a video lesson to teach this.


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Illustrate different poems

We intend our students read poems and create their own illustration of the poem. This activity integrates literature and the internet, which provides varied materials.
«Let’s read together!» eTwinning project.

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Invent a story

Writing stories is an exciting and creative activity. The purpose of these activities is to entertain and help students become more involved in the stories that they read.

The students from Poland and from Spain who participated in the eTwinning project «Let’s read together!» invented the following story:

Every story has an end, but each end means a new beginning. That happened to me…

Nobody knew exactly when the problems started at a remote village called Denimbur. Young girls started to disappear.

At the beginning, with the first girl, people thought that it was a murder. There was an investigation, but it was impossible to find her. And now, there are six girls who have disappeared.

Every night the people from that village kept safe in their houses. In the dark and cold night they didn’t open the doors or windows because there was a rumour going round that if you went out after the sunset, you wouldn’t  return.

So each family would bar their doors and windows, fearing what lurked in the dark. In the night each sound seemed scary, every move of the house could mean that something bad was happening.

Distrust and suspicion possessed the people of Denimbur. Nowhere was fear more palpable than at 99 Raven Crescent.

It was an enormous mansion in the outskirts of the village. Her owner was an old woman who lived with her granddaughter. She was the first girl who dissapeared. SInce the old woman was living alone, she was always scared, and the nights were the worst part…

The old woman from sunset was always alone, closed in an empty house with no light, just a candle in the window for her granddaughter. None saw her walking out after sunset, just on the anniversary of her granddaughetr’s death when she went to the cemetery with a bouquet of red daisies in her hand.

The old woman was accompanied by a little dog, her granddaughter’s dog. As there were no lights, she lost her way. The dog became nervous and started to bark. They came to a cave and listened to a scary sound. They decided to hide there, as they couldn´t see anything outside. The place was as a tunnel.

The next day the people from Denimbur were looking for the old woman. A blind girl was with them, she couldn’t see, but she could hear any sound, so people decided to follow her.

Meanwhile, the little dog was nervous again. There were new sounds outside the cave. The old woman couldn’t move because she was very tired and terrified. As the dog was barking, Lia, the blind girl, could listen to it. The people could reach the place where the cave was. It was a strange place, full of vegetation.

When they were helping the old woman to go out of the cave, they could listen to other sounds coming from the end of that kind of tunnel. At the beginning it was a slight murmur, but Lia listened to it perfectly. All of them paid more attention and could hear the murmurs.

Two brave men decided to enter the cave. It was a great surprise when they discovered the six missing girls. They were ill, but they were alive.

Two years later, the six girls were completely recovered. Everything was normal in their lives. There was only one strange thing: nobody could find the criminal, the person who kidnapped the girls.

Suddenly, one morning my sister wasn´t in her bedroom…

I related her disappearance to the events from two years ago and I decided to look for her in the cave. As I entered this mysterious place, I encountered a terrifying view.

My sister was laying onn the ground without any sign of life. Someone who was wearing dark clothes was speaking very quietly to her. Hopefully, I saw that Kate started to move. She was crying. I woke up from my astonishment.

The dark man didn’t notice me yet, so I got on my knees and started observing the surroundings. Kate was in the middle of the cave and in each corner of it stood a candle.

I hid behind a rock and observed the scene in utter astonishment. The dark figure started walking in a circle around Kate, murmuring an ominous chant.

I was so terrified that I haven’t even noticed the moment I started whispering prayers. Unfortunately, the stranger must have heard that.

He looked at me with unnaturally glowing eyes. Suddenly his chant changed and I became paralyzed by some force.

I couldn’t move and I felt utterly empty. I was getting blind and I saw was my little sister laying down the cave ground. I fell asleep.

When I woke up, my sister wasn’t there. Only the dark man was sitting inside a cave, smoking a cigarette and watching me.

I went up to the man and asked him who he is and what was he doing in the cave. At first he didn’t want to answer but then he told me the whole story.

He started talking about all the horrible things that happened and I was unable to comprehend it. Suddenly, he fell on his back, as I later found out, dead.

I went home. My sister was there, but she couldn’t remember anything. And she could never remember it. We will never know what happened… But was it the end?

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Projects about the book «A Foreigner in Britain»

The students of 1º Bachillerato from IES Mediterráneo (Málaga) have read the book «A Foreigner in Britain» (Ed. Burlington). After the reading, I asked them to do a power point presentation about the cities that appear in the book.

The main character tells us his first impressions when visiting the main cities of England, Wales and Scotland, and talks about their customs, festivals and traditions. He introduces us to some aspects of the British way of life.


Here we can see some reading projects:

Presentation by Rita Bertolín:



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Visita al Puerto de Málaga en inglés

Los alumnos de 1º de ESO del IES Mediterráneo realizaron una visita escolar al Puerto de Málaga el día 11 de abril. Un monitor del «Aula del mar» fue realizando las explicaciones en inglés. IMG_0906-2

Esta visita es importante para que los estudiantes conozcan el Puerto de su ciudad y aprendan sobre su importancia económica, social y cultural. Además de poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos en inglés.

Se pretende transmitir a los escolares información sobre el recinto portuario y su entorno: aprenden la historia del puerto y su relación con la ciudad, y visitan las instalaciones de un puerto comercial, turístico y pesquero.

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International Day of the Book

April 23 marks the anniversary of the birth or death of a range of well-known writers, including Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Maurice Druon, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Haldor Kiljan Laxness, Manuel Mejía Vallejo, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and William Shakespeare. For this reason, UNESCO’s General Conference chose this date to pay tribute to books, the authors who wrote them, and the copyright laws that protect them.

An integrated skills lesson, aimed at young learners with an English level of A2 and above to help them learn about World Book Day https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/world-book-day

You can read the English version of «Don Quijote de La Mancha» http://www.spanisharts.com/books/quijote/thequijote.htm

Do you know how many plays Shakespeare wrote? Watch and find out! William Shakespeare is one of our ‘Shakespeare Lives’ videos, about his life and some of his most famous plays. http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/william-shakespeare?utm_source=twitter-google%2B&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=bc-learnenglishkids

In this lesson, learners will be introduced to the life of William Shakespeare and some of his achievements through a short animated video.  http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/william-shakespeare-kids?utm_source=twitter-google%2B&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=bc-teachingenglish

Miguel de Cervantes for kids

Don Quixote for children



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